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Spot the errors Level 2

Level 2 Learners:
Spot the errors and Correct them:
1. He speak the English.
2. Anderson went to abroad.
3. Though she is weak but she is active.
4. One of the employee has got the award.
5. Children prefer mobile games than story books.
6. Though she is ill, but she attends the class.
7. The manager with all the employees are present.
8. If he had contacted me, I would help him.
9. His father gave me a lot of advices.
10. If I was a bird, I would fly.
11. She is my cousin sister.
12. No one know the answer.
13. Rosy is best student in our college.
14. A group of twelfth students are travelling together..
15. He goes to school by feet..
16. Sun rises in the east.
17. I am a doctor, isn’t I?
18. Neither Sachin nor Dravid are playing cricket.
19. The luggages are very heavy.
20. Tom admitted that he was in fault.
21. He gave away smoking.
22. They reached London in train.
23. Cow is a useful animal.
24. We are unable to identify the error.
25. He is a man of letter.
26. Please have your meals here.
27. Variety is spice fo life.
28. Mark was elected as a captain of the team.
29. Both civilians and army men joined I world war.
30. It is quarter past seven now.
31. Everyone raised their hands.
32. I am overwhelmed with his sense of humour.
33. He has read several poetries.
34. She is learning a new poetry.
35. Do you like poem?
36. The English is a brave peoples.
37. There are many different people in India.
38. What a beautiful scenery!.
39. It is a beautiful scenery.
40. Such sight are not very common.
41. These news is good.
42. We hear many good news nowadays.
43. All the tables are destroyed.
44. Six pieces of furnitures were kept.
45. I have bought any food.
46. I have not bought some bread.
47. Little money is better than none.
48. Bring me any water to drink.
49. I have no any books to read.
50. We have little time left.

Exercises - Wrong CONJUNCTIONS
Top of Form
1. He got prize and you got a job.
2. She was degraded both and expelled.
3. He is also guilty and you.
4. She is an idler and careless to.
5. He was not only accused but convicted.
6. Neither you or he is a thief.
7. I am sad and hopeful.
8. All men were against him; he succeeded.
9. He failed; he stuck to his work.
10. Go where you like; not stay here.

Exercises - Wrong Adjectives
Top of Form
1. They did not give us some money.
2. Any women came here.
3. Few persons are millionaires.
4. Any ten men were present.
5. A several men visited.
6. He has an enough money.
7. Has he had some bread?
8. Did you pick some flowers?
9. She came each two hours.
10. 15th August is a historical day.
11. You can take each side.
12. Which mobile is that?
13. What mobile do you like best?
14. She went by the train down.
15. This is a chair to sit.
16. She is my older sister.
17. Give me the one pen.
18. He lost one pen he had.
19. The good old man was a simpleton.
20. This is number three lesson.

Date: 14/11/2017
Spot the errors
  1. He was quite amusing when he heard what hadhappened.
  2. Turn left by the crossroads when you reach it.
  3. He has been working here for sometimes.
  4. He stopped to see if he could picked up the trail.
  5. Although he jumped aside, but the stone hit him.
  6. decided to climbed to the top of the hill to get a better view.
  7. He jumped down after shouted a warning to those standing below.
  8. After a few minutes, I look up and saw that it wasgetting dark.
  9. saw the blind man crossed the busy road without anyhelp.
  10. The robber gave the victim with a hard blow.

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