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LAW and Engineering

Enacted Law vs Common Law:

Lok Sabha (Lower House)

Rajya Sabha (Upper House )


Vidhan Sabha -

Vidhan Parishad -


Public interest

Private Interest

Legislative Assembly:



Central Government:

State Government:

MLA – Legislative Assembly

MP – Parliament.


Rajya Sabha –

Lok Sabha -


President can nominate 12 members…..

State Government:

Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) – Vidhan Parishad – 6 states have Vidhan Parishad

Members of the Legislative assembly – selected by the people- General body election.


Central Government:

Parliament – Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha….

Rajya Sabha members are selected by the Legislatures.

Rajya Sabha (Council of States)

Vidhan Sabha (State Legislative Assembly)

Rajya Sabha refers to the Upper House of the Indian Parliament.

Vidhan Sabha refers to the lower house of the State Legislature

Rajya Sabha members are indirectly elected by the elected representatives of the Assemblies of States and Union Territories

Members of State Legislative Assembly or Vidhan Sabha are elected through direct elections, that is they are directly elected by people.

The minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha is 30 years

The Minimum age required to become a  member of Vidhan Sabha is 25 years

The Vice President is the chairman of Rajya Sabha.

Speaker is the presiding officer of the Vidhan Sabha

The strength of Rajya Sabha is 250 members

In Vidhan Sabha, the maximum number of members is 500 and the minimum number of members is 60.

Each member is elected for a term of 6 years. 1/3rd members retire every second year.

Each member is elected for a term of 5 years. 

There is only 1 Rajya Sabha in India.

All the states in India have Vidhan Sabha (State Legislative Assembly)

Rajya Sabha is a permanent body

Vidhan Sabha is not a permanent body.



The major differences between Rajya Sabha and Vidhan Sabha are:

Rajya Sabha (Council of States)

Vidhan Sabha (State Legislative Assembly)

Rajya Sabha refers to the Upper House of the Indian Parliament.

Vidhan Sabha refers to the lower house of the State Legislature

Rajya Sabha members are indirectly elected by the elected representatives of the Assemblies of States and Union Territories

Members of State Legislative Assembly or Vidhan Sabha are elected through direct elections, that is they are directly elected by people.

The minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha is 30 years

The Minimum age required to become a  member of Vidhan Sabha is 25 years

The Vice President is the chairman of Rajya Sabha.

Speaker is the presiding officer of the Vidhan Sabha

The strength of Rajya Sabha is 250 members

In Vidhan Sabha, the maximum number of members is 500 and the minimum number of members is 60.

Each member is elected for a term of 6 years. 1/3rd members retire every second year.

Each member is elected for a term of 5 years. 

There is only 1 Rajya Sabha in India.

All the states in India have Vidhan Sabha (State Legislative Assembly)

Rajya Sabha is a permanent body

Vidhan Sabha is not a permanent body.


Links to note:


Solo Moto –

Can Judges make laws –

Judicial review –

24 high courts in india.

Consumer court comes under the tribunal courts….

Special court – problem with the bill.

Lok adalats –


Judicial Precedent:

Sipay Revolt:

Inductive Method and Deductive method:

Great Judgment

Landmark Judgment:

Could High court can’t change its decision?

Types of Precedents:

Stare decisi

Ratio Decidenci

Links to note:

Judicial Precedent:

Inductive method.

Deductive method.

Great Judgement – Come back to the judgement.

Landmark Judgement –

Supreme Court –


Declarative Precedent

Ordinary Precedent

Persuasive Precedent.


Difference between Inductive and deductive Methods.





District Vs High court.

Shared High court – Tamil Nadu + Pondicherry.


Difference between Original Jurisdiction and Appellate Jurisdiction.


Court of order:

The Judgement recorded to be used in subordinate courts.

Right to transfer:

Between subordinate courts or from subordinate to itself.

High court has the power to review a law from  legislative.

Against the Indian constitution

High court autonomy(Self – governing).

Motion of Impeachment:

Retirement age.

Whether they can work after retirement.


In consumer courts retired court judges..

Two-third of the parliament should agree to the impeachment.



Circuit Courts:

Circuit courts hold proceeding for a few months.

They can travel.

They can be dissolved and be reconstructed.




Supreme Court:


Maximum of 34 judges.

Can make law.

Came into existence in 28 Jan 1950.

First Chief Justice – S. J. Kannaiya.



50 members of Rajya Sabha and 100 member of Lokshaba to initiate the impeachment procedure.

Article 124.

High court – 5 years experience.

Advocate – 10 years

A distinguished jurist – from the opinion of the president.

Links to remember:


April 23 

Supreme  power to punish for its contempt

2lakh 80 thousand CJI

Other judges 2.50 lakh


Can approach supeeeme court if fundamental law is violated.



Indian contract act

Contract agreement enforceable by law 


Prosopal party a to party b




Agreement – promise + consideratin


Reciprocal promises – conditions on the promises in the agreement reciprocal


Void – an agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void.

Voidable contract


266 sections in the act


Acceptance ..

Acceptance should not proceed an offer.

Mere silence is no acceptance.


Person should be of sound mind.


Breach or contract

Compensation for the loss,,


Special Contract:

Contact of indemnity – save the other from loss because of the contract.

Contract of guarantee – a particular action will be guaranteed if any loss.


Principle debtor



Person who gives guarantee is called surety

Bailment -delivery of goods by one person to another.

Loaning a machine..

Bailer – person who gives

Bailee – Person who receive.

Agent authorised to do an act or a lawful thing.

To take care of the loss

Agent protects the principal..



Shri ram prasad


Types of contract






Unilateral – one party making promises.


Bilateral – both parties exchanging promises.

Contract vs agreement


Contract enforceable by law

Agreement Section 2 e 

Contract Section 2 h

In Indian contract act 1872

266 sections

Based on Indian contract law.


Sale of goods law:


Bill initial stage of an act

Bill is passed in the lower house

A bill becomes a law.

Buyer – buys or agreed to buy

Goods – movable properties.


Actionable claim…. Claim for unsecured debts..


Existing goods

Specific goods

Ascertained goods- you choose and fix 

Unascertained goods- you make the buyer to choose 

Future goods – agreement made on the unripined apple

Contingent goods – agreeement made on the apple tree.




Actual delivery

Constructive delivery 

Symbolic delivery – giving the key


Property (section 2 (1)]

Mercantile agent



Ascertainment of price..

Condition and warranty – difference between them..


Implied condition:

Goods correspond to the description


Sale by sample 



Sale of goods law:


Bill initial stage of an act

Bill is passed in the lower house

A bill becomes a law.

Buyer – buys or agreed to buy

Goods – movable properties.


Actionable claim…. Claim for unsecured debts..


Existing goods – the goods that exist

Specific goods- ex mobile phone on online (can’t replace the specific goods)

Ascertained goods- you choose and fix  price is fixed

Unascertained goods- (you make the buyer to choose) the goods that are to be sold is not fixed or identified.. price is not fixed..

Future goods – agreement made on the unripened apple

Contingent goods – agreement made on the apple tree. 



Delivery volunteered transfer of possession

Actual delivery

Constructive delivery 

Symbolic delivery – giving the key


Property (section 2 (1)]

Mercantile agent



Ascertainment of price..

Agreement to sell a valuation

Condition and warranty – difference between them..


Implied condition:

Goods correspond to the description

Sell by description


Passing of property


 Section 19


Section 20


Haven’t decided the price – until then the property belongs to owner 

Goods sent on approval 

Cash only or return…


Reservation of the Right to disposal…


Transfer of title

Section 27 sale of goods act..


Seller is not the owner of the goods

Does not have consent from the owner to sell the goods..

Has not …


Voidable contract…

Sale by a mercantile agent

Sale by one of the joint owners

Sale by a person in possession of the goods in voidable contract



Rights of Unpaid seller against the buyer..


1.     Suit for price..

2.     Suit for damages for non acceptance

3.     Repudiation of contract before due date

4.     Suit for interest


Rights of Buyer against the seller

Suit for non delivery



Rights of unpaid seller against goods


Rights of Leon.


Who is insolvent buyer?


Rights of stoppage in Transit

Give some scenarios of the end of transit,

7800000 records lost in 2017me ter statute.
Internal cybercrime. 
not all cyber crime are for financial gain. 

http vs https?

State sponsored cyber crime:
1. North Korea.

What is section 66 of Acts of cyber crime?
what is the punishment for using the password of another person?
What is the punishment for intentionally destroying 
what is the punishment or taking image of another person?

section 66 -


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