Enacted Law vs Common Law: Lok Sabha (Lower House) Rajya Sabha (Upper House ) Vidhan Sabha - Vidhan Parishad - Public interest Private Interest Legislative Assembly: Parliament: Central Government: State Government: MLA – Legislative Assembly MP – Parliament. Rajya Sabha – Lok Sabha - President can nominate 12 members….. State Government: Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) – Vidhan Parishad – 6 states have Vidhan Parishad Members of the Legislative assembly – selected by the people- General body election. Central Government: Parliament – Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha…. Rajya Sabha members are selected by the Legislatures. Rajya Sabha (Council of States) Vidhan Sabha (State Legislative Assembly) Rajya Sabha refers to the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. Vidhan Sabha refers to the lower house of the State Legislature Rajya Sabha membe...