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The Advanced Profiency Course

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Ethics and holistic life

 1. Should I learn psychology.. a. What does MBA program do.. b. Transforming individuals 2.Sheduling our time(time management) a. Are we utilising our time properly. b. Add the points discussed in class.. 3. Generating ideas: a. Seventy thousand ideas a day. 4. Rethinking,you%20can%20engage%20in%20it . 5. Personality development. 6. Intra personal skills vs interpersonal skills 7. Decision making:,relevant%20information%20and%20defining%20alternatives . 8. 9. Emotional intelligence:

Article writing - Sample  Document Experiment: Canva link - Science Experiment Vol 1. Science Experiment Vol 2. Article Sample: Fill this form to submit your article Loading…

Materials for framing questions


 Topics for JAM 1. If you are a piece of paper how do want to be used. 2. If you were to be born as an animal what animal you would want to be? Why? 3. If you are going to die tomorrow, what will you do today? 4. If God ask for one of your wish to be done. What wish you would tell. Why? 5. If you are caught by your parents at the park with your boy/ girl friend, what reason would you give? Argue: 6. Boys gossip more than girls do. 7. Breakup insurance policy should be invented. 8. In order to become old and wise, you must first be young and stupid. 9. A woman’s “I will be ready in 5 minutes” is the same as a man’s “I will be home in 5 minutes”. 10. Life feels very much like a test I didn’t study for. 11. Why do we panic when our phones fall but laugh when our friends do?

The Padlets

Flaws in group discussion Framing Text completion Questions: The legal affairs booklet ======================================================================================================================================================================   The Social Problem that I want to discuss

Psychology everyday

 PERSONALITY - PERCEPTION  WE SEE OUR LOOKS: Neatly groomed.  Skin Tone.  Structure of the body - Fat , Thin Types of consumer behavior There are four main types of consumer behavior: 1. Complex buying behavior This type of behavior is encountered when consumers are buying an expensive, infrequently bought product. They are highly involved in the purchase process and consumers’ research before committing to a high-value investment. Imagine buying a house or a car; these are an example of a complex buying behavior. 2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior The consumer is highly involved in the purchase process but has difficulties determining the differences between brands. ‘Dissonance’ can occur when the consumer worries that they will regret their choice. Imagine you are buying a lawnmower. You will choose one based on price and convenience, but after the purchase, you will seek confirmation that you’ve made the right choice. 3. Habitual buying behavior Habitual purchases are characteri